Sunday, March 05, 2006


The weather is getting hotter and more humid these days. The same goes for my mood and blood pressure - kept rising. Probably the hot weather does contribute a little to these, but I guess it's the stress that I'm facing both at work and in private. Too many things are running, and probably in all directions, making me quite frustrated. I've became very quarrelsome and easily agitated too. Probably PMS, or menopause??!!

I know that gives me no reason to over-react and get angry over a small issue. As a result, I felt really bad after the incident and did not sleep well last nite coz I know that I've frightened my friend tremendously. So sorry about it. But rest assured that our 13 years of friendship is definitely not so fragile and I can hardly tahan to be angry fro >24hrs. That's so bad for health,isn't it? Already getting old, how can I speed up the rate of ageing?

Went for my dental appointment today. Now the rubber rings have been changed from purple to blue. Haha... at first the dentist's assistant offered me pink (ya, not again!), which my colleagues say the colour sucks! I asked her to get me another colour and she got me dark blue. Not bad, still like the purple ones thou. Saw the light pink ones,shall try those next time. Haha...

2 more weeks to the end of my agony as I should be finishing up my project by then. Hate upscaling, boring & tedious! 2 more weeks to Taiwan trip too! HOORAY!!!

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