Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CNY Visitings & Gatherings

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE! Yes yes, you didn't see wrongly. According to Chinese, today is everybody's birthday & we call it ren ri. It falls on the 7th day of the 1st month based on the Lunar calendar. So today is a day to lou hei! HUAT BIG BIG AH!

So today I ended "louing" twice, one over lunch with my fellow colleagues & I'm just done with another one at LLT's place. Haha...4 times of lou hei so far for the new year & there's still more to come! Wahahaha

So how have I spent the last 7 days of my CNY??

Day1: Stayed at home with my family and my aunt & cousin came over for CNY visiting in the evening. Happy to see them but miss my nieces coz they didn't come. Other than that I just spend my day surfing net, watching tv, sleeping, eating. Haha....But still feeling good, coz it's been a long time since my family & I spend time together at home like that. Hee hee...

Day 2: I slept till around 10am for my Doreamon cartoon, then lazed around until 1+pm when LLT came to my house for visiting. After lunch (my mum's cooking. YEAH!!), went over to LLT's place for my 1st step-out-of-my-house CNY visit. Haha.... Tried to book movie tix at GV website many times before we finally managed to get 2 tix to 'The Diving Bell & the Butterfly'. Shocked to see that Vivocity is so crowded just like any other weekends! Went to Breadtalk to get some bread but most bread were either not made because of CNY or they've been swept off by the crowd. Haa.... After movie was home sweet home.

Day 3: Finally back to 3 hrs of gym class after 3 days of slacking. Haha... Still coughing badly, so took it easy in gym. After which we went over to Pearlina's house for gathering. There we went crazy over PS3 followed by blackjack. No luck, lost some $$. :( Oh yah, I also had my 1st lou hei for this CNY & had a nicely prepared Tepanyakki dinner. All thanks to the hosts!! Then off we were to watch 'Ah long' movie. Hee hee.....

Day 4: It's Sunday! One last day before going back to work! Went for Yebbers' gathering at Claudia's house. Yes, thanks for the invitation & the pizzas! Played blackjack again & LOST AGAIN!!! Wah, really no luck leh!! Then went off the mee Qing & the rest together with their bfs for ktv! Still coughing madly, so didn't sing alot. Looked like everything was nice & peaceful but then I think there's some unhappiness again. Hmm....Really scratching my head & wonder why. Women r so mafan leh. Yes, even though I myself is a true woman, I can't find any reason to deny this fact. Do this also not right, do that also not right. Sigh...

Day 5, 6, 7: Work ,lor, what else?? Haha.... Yah, played Blackjack again just now. Just couldn't believe my luck. LOST AGAIN!!! But nvm, coz LLT won like $60!!! Congrats to him & to me too! Coz my expenses for the next few days shall be beared by him. Ahahaha

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