Thursday, May 11, 2006

Taken for Granted

Arghh!!! Network problem & I've lost the blog entry which I've just created. Now I gotta retype them ;'(

So I'm back with my latest entry. Not really an update on what I've been doing lately, but more of a means to vent my frustration lately. Yah, told my friends that I'm PMSing now! Haha...

Yesterday night I was chatting with some friends on MSN and I got pretty grouchy. Complained to them how I felt that I've been taken for granted. Sigh...not just @ work, with friends too... I simply think that these people are not sensitive enough to others' feelings, sometimes I also feel that they are abit too self-centred. They are only concerned with getting their things done, and along the way, mishandled the situation and ended up upsetting people around. As for me, I always (at least most of the time) have others' interest above my own's. I know that I can't expect everyone to do likewise, but all I'm asking for is some basic courtesy and mutual respect. Simple words like 'please', 'thank you' and 'sorry' will really make a big difference to others' live without you yourself realising it. Ya, these words do "play magic", such simple words yet so powerful I think.

If everyone's a little more thoughtful, sensitive and respectful, I guess there'll be much lesser conflicts among humans! =p

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