Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ponder Ponder Ponder: Will I Still be a Research Chemist in a Few Years Time??

Yeah, today I was back to work. Getting sick was no fun - bored of the sleep-eat routine at home, can't go jogging or swimming. Sigh...Lonely... At least at work I'll get to move around, do things, and make myself feel useful.
Had a terrible ear block today, guess it's a result of my runny nose. I could barely hear well, so my colleagues gotta shout into my ears. Haha.. Nothing much to do today, my boss seemed busy at his desk. He looked quite haggard too, have not seen him for the past 4 days, and he seemed to have aged tremendously! Aha, he didn't shave again. Maybe my absence was the cause of it, coz his work piling up. OOpz..
Today's lunch topic was "Our Future". Sounds like a primary school english essay topic. But no, no... It's definitely not. My colleagues talked about how bad it is for women like us (well, I feel that I'm still a gal thou...wahaha) to work as organic chemist. Yes, I do agree that it's a high risk job. High risk, be it our safety or our health. That's definitely a long-term concerns. Working in this line for 10, 20 years is bad for sure. Thou many safety measures have been in place, there's no 100% safety or protection. Sigh... But I would say, as til now, I enjoy what I am doing. I dunno how long this will continue... I often question myself, "So what's next on my life plan?" I have many dreams and plans, but I have reservations as to how far I would go and how many of my dreams and plans I can fulfil.
My fellow colleague hope to move over to admin work in a few years time. Guess then, she'll be married with kids already. Hehehe... Many think that it's not good for women to stay in chemical line for too long... But I don't seem to have much plan to move over to other lines. Lost sheep now.I start to ponder over what my colleagues said.. So what will I be doing few years down the road??

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