Saturday, July 15, 2006

Having last bit of energy to blog...

I'm tired, exhausted but feel like blogging/complaining abit about my life tonite! Thought that after a business-cum-leisure trip to Beijing/Hong Kong I'll feel more refreshed & recharged but I'm wrong. I think I'm feeling more tired than before my trip. Sigh... Now I think it's a luxury to enjoy a day rotting at home, without doing any other activities. Haha...

Sigh.. so many deadlines to meet for work, dunno if I'll be dead before I even meet the deadlines Ahaha...Tahan tahan... 1.5 months to go before my project ends. Yup,sadly, 1.5 months is not short leh & it's almost a one-man show for this project (that's me only!) Sigh..alrite, shouldn't be so negative!

"Always look on the bright side of life!" =p

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